
   Today, we went to the nursing house to visit some elders. Last night, I went to market to buy some food for them such like cookies and pancakes. We are luckily to visit three friendly and optimistic elder women. They were smiling while we coming there. We greeted them with great pleasure and sent them our gifts. They invited to sit down and have a talk.

   One of the three women cannot hear clearly though she had a lot of experience. For instance, she has been to American twice when she was 66 and 73 years. More specific, she walked around San Francisco and Los Angeles. Also, she went to the Disney land in American. The purpose of her visiting American is because her entire family is there. She thought that there is a large amount of Chinese people there in LA and San Francisco, the China town is nearly over-crowded. She thinks the market and malls are intensive. Usually, they are in the same collective area. Her family members are all hold American passport so that she can pass the visa easily. Her son-in-law and grandson are computer engineers. In addition, she mentioned that the first time when her daughter went to American she had some frustrations. She didn’t want to be far apart from her daughter. But sometimes her family comes back to China and visits her. From her perspective, she didn’t get accustomed to the food and adapt the culture/ life style there so that she chose to back to China and went to the nursing house. American has a large territory but there are just a small number of local citizen. That old woman prefers the busy life and the phenomenon that she always has someone accompany around.

  Literally, these women’s entire life is pretty monotonous. They didn’t very excited or unforgettable experience. But they live a cheerful life. Happiness is the most crucial thing in one’s life.


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