When I was walking along the street in Boston, there were many people stood around. I was wondering why there were so many people, so I got closer to see what was happening. There was a travelling artist sitting on the ground. The paintings in his hands attracted my sight view. It was fabulous. I couldn’t believe my eyes that he can create such an amazing picture by using only just few colors (4-5colors). He is sophisticated that every people who walked by was impressed by his painting. He uses colors so well to express the artistic conception. I stopped moving on and gazed at his creation. His painting are about some  mysterious wonderlands or animals. These animals under his painting bush are vivid. My friend bought one of his creations.

   I still remember the last time I went to the main square in Boston. A middle-age man was standing in the middle of the square and was playing the sax. His voice from the sax spread into the air. It seemed like the city full of his beautiful musical note. I didn’t pay enough attention to him but my friend did. He noticed that the man had already played for nearly 8 hours in that day. I was shocked by his words. My friend appreciated his persistence and gave him some changes. Although it was just a little money but it is the affirmation from us. He saw my friend put one dollar on his sax case. He suspended his playing for a second and thanked him.

   I was so shocked by these people. They beg without losing their dignity.  Unlike the people who wrote: ”seek for humanity” and expect people to give them money for nothing. They use their talent and persistence to make the citizen moved.

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